2023 January
Swynnerton Parish Council will hold a meeting on Thursday 26th January 2023 at Hanchurch Village Hall.
Thursday 26th January 2023
I hereby give notice that a Meeting of the Swynnerton Parish Council will take place on THURSDAY 26th JANUARY 2023 at Hanchurch Village Hall at 7.15pm. Members are asked to inform the Clerk if they are unable to attend.
Lucy Davies
Parish Clerk
Tel: 07811 362375
Date of notice: 19th January 2023
- Welcome, and introduction by the Chairman
- Consider matters raised by members of the public
- Receive reports from Staffordshire County Councillor and Stafford Borough Councillors
- Close of Public Question Time
- Apologies for absence received – acceptance and recording of apologies
- Record declarations of interest from Councillors, to consider written requests from Councillors for the Council to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011)
- Approval of the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 24th November 2022
- Discuss matters arising from the minutes not covered later in the Agenda
- Review the planning committee observations
- Receive the Clerk’s report – correspondence received and progress report on matters not on the agenda
- Financial matters
- Review and approval of payments
- Receive and approve financial statements and bank reconciliation to 31 December 2022
- To determine the precept amount to be requested for 2023/24
- Receive quote for installation of wifi at Swynnerton Village Hall
- Discuss correspondence on additional play area in Tittensor
- Discuss correspondence with the Leveson Trust
- To consider arrangements for commemorating the coronation of King Charles III
- Update on speed indication devices
- Discuss funding of pre-season grass cut before the end of March.
- Discuss Parish response to the consultation on division boundaries for Staffordshire County Council.
The date of the next Swynnerton Parish Meeting will be on Thursday 23rd March 2023, 7.15pm at Swynnerton Village Hall.
The January Financial Statements (authorised payments and bank reconciliation) can be viewed by clicking the following link:
January 2023 Financial Statements
Please contact the Parish Clerk should you require a format other than pdf.
Held on Thursday, 26 January 2023 in Hanchurch Village Hall
Councillors in attendance: Cllr Roy James (Chairman)
Cllr Denise Bishop, Cllr Nicola Adams, Cllr Peter Bickerstaffe, Cllr Joanne Malkin, Cllr Brian Price, Cllr Terry Love and Cllr E Mateu
Stafford Borough Council: Cllr Roy James
Stafford County Council: None
In attendance: L Davies (Parish Clerk), 3 members of the public
Public Question Time
- The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
- To consider matters raised by members of the public.
- A resident of Trentham raised that the pavements along Whitmore Road are in need of sweeping/maintained as debris on the pavement is reducing the area available to walk along safely.
- A member of the public asked when the new SID would be installed in Swynnerton. The Parish Council is waiting for the poles to be installed by the County Council.
- Reports from County and Borough Councillors
- The responses to the Stafford Local Plan are now being considered. It is expected that the final Plan will be released in May.
- Cllr James confirmed that the Borough Council had agreed to an increased amount of shared service with Cannock district to reduce costs. The Borough Council has a balanced budget for 2023/24.
Parish Council Meeting
- Apologies for absence received
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr S Amison.
- Declarations of interest, to consider written requests from Councillors to grant dispensation (under S33, Localism Act, 2011).
No declarations of interest were received.
- Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 24 November 2022.
The Minutes were considered, APPROVED and signed by the Chairman.
- Discuss matters arising from the Minutes not covered in the Agenda
Cllr Malkin provided a map of areas for verge grass cutting. Clerk to get a quote.
- Review of the planning committee observations
The planning applications received and decided since the last meeting were reviewed by the meeting.
- Receive the Clerk’s report – correspondence received and progress report on matters not on the agenda
- The Clerk’s report was received and matters duly noted.
- The annual report for Tittensor Playground has been received. Areas noted were of low or very low risk. Clerk to progress with maintenance where required.
- Financial Matters
- The payments for December 2022 and January 2023 were presented for approval, duly APPROVED and signed.
- The financial statements and bank reconciliation to 31 December 2022 were considered and the bank reconciliation signed.
- The Parish Council considered the precept amount to be requested for 2023/24. After a discussion on the matter and consideration of the budget for Parish Council 2023/24, it was proposed, seconded and AGREED that the precept should be increase to £34,000 (£30,930 in 2022/23).
- Receive quote for installation of wifi at Swynnerton Village Hall.
- The meeting noted that the Parish Council had agreed to assist the Village Halls in the Parish to install wifi.
- The quote for installation of wifi at Swynnerton Village Hall was discussed in detail. It was noted that the Village Hall committee had sought alternatives quote had not been successful in obtaining them. It was AGREED to move forward with the quote for the installation of the equipment. Clerk to action
- Discuss correspondence on additional play area in Tittensor
The area being proposed for additional green space in Tittensor belongs to County Council, but to consider whether this could be allocated as an additional play area, the Parish Council would firstly need to determine whether planning consent would be given for change of use. Cllr James to speak with Borough planning department
- Discuss correspondence with the Leveson Trust
Cllr N Adams, as nominated trustee on behalf of the Parish Council, raised concerns regarding a proposed use of funds by the Trust. It was AGREED that Cllr Adams should raise the concerns of the Parish Council with the Trust and should the matter not be resolved then Cllr Adams should resign as Trustee. Cllr Adams and Clerk to action
- To consider arrangements for commemorating the coronation of King Charles III
It was noted that there would not be a coordinated lighting of Beacons for the coronation. The next beacon lighting event would be on 6th June 2024 for the 80th anniversary commemoration of the D-Day Landings.
- Update on speed indication devices
- No further update has been received from Highways on when the new poles will be fitted by Amey.
- Fulford Parish Council has offered to buy the old speed indication device for £350. It was AGREED to accept this offer. Clerk to progress
- Discuss funding of pre-season grass cut before the end of March
- The County Council is providing funds towards an additional grass cut before the end of the financial year (31stMarch) – precise contribution not yet confirmed by the County Council.
- It was AGREED that the Parish Council should agree to undertake a further cut and receive the additional funding towards this. Clerk to action
- Discuss Parish Council response to the consultation on division boundaries for Staffordshire County Council
The consultation on division boundaries for Staffordshire County Council was discussed. It was AGREED that no comments would be submitted.
- Confirm the date of the next Parish Council Meeting
The next meeting will be on Thursday 23rd March, 7.15pm at Swynnerton Village Hall.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed this Meeting.