2023 April
Swynnerton Parish Council will hold a meeting on Thursday 27th April 2023 at Tittensor Village Hall.
Thursday 27th April 2023
I hereby give notice that a Meeting of the Swynnerton Parish Council will take place on THURSDAY 27th APRIL 2023 at Tittensor Village Hall at 7.15pm. Members are asked to inform the Clerk if they are unable to attend.
Lucy Davies
Parish Clerk
Tel: 07811 375623 Date of notice: 21 April 2023
- Welcome, and introduction by the Chairman
- Consider matters raised by members of the public
- Receive reports from Staffordshire County Councillor and Stafford Borough Councillors
- HS2 Phase 2a update on future programme from Senior Community Engagement Manager
- Close of Public Question Time
- Apologies for absence received – acceptance and recording of apologies
- Record declarations of interest from Councillors, to consider written requests from Councillors for the Council to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011)
- Approval of the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 23rd March 2023
- Discuss matters arising from the minutes not covered later in the Agenda
- Review the planning committee observations
- Receive the Clerk’s report – correspondence received and progress report on matters not on the agenda
- Financial matters
- Note receipt of grant for the Swynnerton Coronation event
- Review and approval of payments
- Receive and approve financial statements and bank reconciliation to 31 March 2023
- Discuss replacement of matting at Tittensor play area
- To consider Parish Council vacancies which will arise on the 9th May 2023 following uncontested election
- Discuss maintenance of bus shelters on A34, Tittensor
- Receive an update on correspondence with the Leveson Trust
- Receive an update on speed indication devices
- The date of the Annual Parish Meeting, the Annual Meeting of Swynnerton Parish Council and the next Swynnerton Parish Meeting will be on Thursday 18th May 2023, 7.15pm at Swynnerton Village Hall.
The April Financial Statements (authorised payments and bank reconciliation) can be viewed by clicking the following link:
Please contact the Parish Clerk should you require a format other than pdf
Held on Thursday, 27 April 2023 at Tittensor Village Hall
Councillors in attendance: Cllr Roy James (Chairman)
Cllr Denise Bishop, Cllr Peter Bickerstaffe, Cllr Joanne Malkin, Cllr Brian Price, Cllr Terry Love, Cllr Nicola Adams, Cllr Enrique Mateu
Stafford Borough Council: Cllr Roy James
Stafford County Council: None
In attendance: L Davies (Parish Clerk), 4 members of the public
Public Question Time
- The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
- To consider matters raised by members of the public.
- Residents of Tittensor raised concerns over the delay in reducing the speed limit to 30mph on Winghouse Lane in the Groundslow area and also the delay in installing the speed indication sign at Groundslow.
- A member of the Tittensor speed watch group highlighted that whilst the speed watch signs could be obtained there would still be a delay in installing them. Resident is waiting for a list of alternative authorised contractors due to the delays in using Amey.
- A resident of Tittensor informed the meeting that the gap between the bus shelter (bottom of Winghouse Lane) and the wall is being used to dump rubbish. Clerk to enquire whether gap can be effectively closed and associated costs.
- Concerns were also raised regarding flooding on Beechdale Lane.
- Reports from County and Borough Councillors
- Cllr James reminded the meeting that electors will require ID to vote at the elections in May.
- HS2 Phase 2a update on future programme from Senior Community Engagement Manager
Ms V Roberts provided an update on the pausing HS2 Phase 2a main civil works following the Government’s transport and capital investment programme announcement.
Parish Council Meeting
- Apologies for absence received
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr S Amison.
- Declarations of interest, to consider written requests from Councillors to grant dispensation (under S33, Localism Act, 2011).
Cllr D Bishop declared an interest in item 7.1.
- Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 23rd March 2023.
The Minutes were considered, APPROVED and signed by the Chairman.
- Discuss matters arising from the Minutes not covered in the Agenda
- Further enquiries have been made into preventing damage of the grass verges on Winghouse Lane. This is a highways matter. However, highways no longer install posts to deter parking. The Parish Council could apply for a license to install small white posts in the area, however, the purchase/installation and maintenance would need to be funded by the Parish Council. Cllr James to speak with Highways.
- Highways inspected the area proposed for an information panel detailing the history of the war memorial (next to the bus shelter on the A34) and subject to there being no utilities in this area, would be able to accept an application for a licence to place the panel on the grass verge. Costs for the information panel, installation and licenses to be considered.
- There was no further update on repair of the fencing along the A34.
- Review of the planning committee observations
The planning applications received and decided since the last meeting were reviewed by the meeting.
- Receive the Clerk’s report – correspondence received and progress report on matters not on the agenda
- The Clerk’s report was received and matters duly noted.
- The quote for repointing the paving stones around the war memorial was received and it was AGREED to proceed.
- Financial Matters
- The Parish Council successfully applied for a £300 grant towards the costs of Swynnerton’s Big Lunch Event. It was further AGREED that the £300 grant the Parish Council annually provides Swynnerton for the Best Kept Village activities could be used as a grant towards the costs of this community event. It was AGREED that Tittensor should receive a £300 grant for the Best Kept Village activities.
- The payments for April 2023 were presented for approval, duly APPROVED and signed.
- The financial statements and bank reconciliation to 31 March 2023 were considered and signed.
- Discuss replacement of matting at Tittensor play area.
- Indicative quotes for replacing the matting at Tittensor play area were discussed.
- It was AGREED to invite Pentagon Play to visit the site and provide a detailed quote for what work needs to be undertaken. Clerk and Cllr Bishop to action.
- To consider Parish Council vacancies which will arise on the 9th May following uncontested election.
- It was confirmed that the election, taking place on 4th May, would be uncontested for the Parish Council.
- Three Councillor positions remained unfilled and consideration of candidates for co-option into these positions can take place at the May meeting. Interested candidates should contact the Clerk.
- Discuss maintenance of a bus shelters on A34 Tittensor
It was confirmed that the 3 wooden bus shelters on the A34 were assets of the Parish Council (2 Northbound and 1 southbound). It was AGREED to obtain quotes for refurbishing the bus shelters. Asset register to be updated accordingly.
- Receive an update on correspondence with the Leveson Trust
- Cllr N Adams provided an update of recent meetings with the Leveson Trust and their response to concerns over conflicts of interests.
- It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council should withdraw its involvement from the Trust, that Cllr N Adams resign as a Trustee and that the Charity Commission be informed of the Parish Council’s withdrawal.
- Confirm the date of the next Parish Council Meeting
The next meeting will be on Thursday 18th May, 7.00pm at Tittensor Village Hall following the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed this Meeting.