2022 May
The Meeting on 26 May 2022 will include our AGM where Council Officers are elected and our updated policies are adopted.
We also have a Parish Meeting which is an opportunity for us to tell you what we have accomplished during the past year and for you to tell us what your organisation has achieved, too.
Finally, we continue with our usual Monthly Meeting.
1. April 2022 Financial Statement
3. 26052022 SPC Annual Parish Meeting Minutes
4. 26052022 SPC Annual Parish Meeting Minutes
Held on Thursday, 26 May 2022 in Swynnerton Village Hall
Councillors in attendance: Cllr (Mrs) Nicky Adams (Chairman)
Cllr Peter Bickerstaffe, Cllr Stefan Amison, Cllr Enrique Mateu,
Cllr (Mrs) Dee Bishop, Cllr (Mrs) Joanne Malkin, Cllr Roy James,
Cllr Brian Price
Stafford Borough Council: Cllr Roy James
In attendance: Mrs Kay Ong, Clerk, and two members of the public were also in attendance including Mrs Lucy Davies, our new Clerk who had come to observe.
Apologies received – Cllr Jeremy Pert, Staffordshire County Council, and Cllr James Nixon, Stafford Borough Council sent apologies which were accepted.
- Welcome from Swynnerton Parish Council Chairman
The Chairman welcomed those present to the meeting.
- Approve the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 21 June 2021
The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 21 June 2021 were considered, approved and duly signed as correct record of the meeting.
- Annual Report of the Parish Council
The Chairman presented the annual report of the Parish Council for the year ending 31 March 2022.
- Report by the Chairman of the Planning Committee
The Chairman of the Planning Committee provided a report on the planning applications received throughout the last financial year.
- Financial Report for the Year ending 31 March 2022
The Clerk presented the Financial Report for the Parish Council for the year ending 31 March 2022.
- Attendance Record of the Parish Council Members for 2021/22
The Attendance Record of Council Members was received and considered.
- Any local issues to be raised
No local issues were raised.
- There being no further matters, the Chairman closed the meeting.
Held on Thursday, 26 May 2022 in Swynnerton Village Hall
Councillors in attendance : Cllr Roy James (Chairman)
Cllr Peter Bickerstaffe, Cllr Stefan Amison, Cllr Enrique Mateu,
Cllr (Mrs) Dee Bishop, Cllr (Mrs) Joanne Malkin, Cllr (Mrs) Nicky Adams,
Cllr Brian Price
Stafford Borough Council : Cllr Roy James
In attendance: Mrs Kay Ong, Clerk, and two members of the public were also in attendance including Mrs Lucy Davies, our new Clerk who had come to observe.
Apologies received – Cllr Jeremy Pert, Staffordshire County Council, and Cllr James Nixon, Stafford Borough Council sent apologies which were accepted.
- Election of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Chairman and Vice Chairman for the Planning Committee
- Cllr R James was elected Chairman.
- Cllr S Amison was elected as Vice Chairman.
- Cllr B Price was elected as Chairman for the Planning Committee.
- Cllr J Malkin was elected as Vice Chairman for the Planning Committee.
- To approve the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Swynnerton Parish Council held on 27 May 2021.
The minutes of the Annual Meeting of Swynnerton Parish Council held on 27 May 2021 were considered, approved and duly signed as correct record of the meeting.
- Adoption of revised Standing Orders for Swynnerton Parish Council
The revised Standing Orders were considered and it was AGREED that they should be adopted.
- Adoption of revised Financial Regulations for Swynnerton Parish Council
The revised Financial Regulations were considered and it was AGREED that they should be adopted.
- Adoption of revised Code of Conduct for Swynnerton Parish Council
The revised Code of Conduct was considered and it was AGREED that it should be adopted.
- Adoption of the Data Protection Policy revised for Swynnerton Parish Council
The Data Protection Policy was considered and it was AGREED that is should be adopted.
- Adoption of the Accessibility Policy and Privacy Policy contained on our website as a statutory requirement
The Accessibility Policy and Privacy Policy contained on the Parish Council website was considered and it was AGREED that they should be adopted.
- There being no further matters, the Chairman closed the meeting.
Held on Thursday, 26 May 2022 in Swynnerton Village Hall
Councillors in attendance : Cllr Roy James (Chairman)
Cllr Peter Bickerstaffe, Cllr Stefan Amison, Cllr Enrique Mateu,
Cllr (Mrs) Dee Bishop, Cllr (Mrs) Joanne Malkin, Cllr (Mrs) Nicky Adams,
Cllr Brian Price
Stafford Borough Council : Cllr Roy James
In attendance: Mrs Kay Ong, Clerk, and two members of the public were also in attendance including Mrs Lucy Davies, our new Clerk who had come to observe.
Apologies received – Cllr Jeremy Pert, Staffordshire County Council, and Cllr James Nixon, Stafford Borough Council sent apologies which were accepted.
Public Question Time
- The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Meeting.
- 2. To consider matters raised by members of the public.
The pastor of the church holding regular meetings in Tittensor Village Hall requested access through the maintenance gates whilst their service was in progress. He was concerned that the children had to access the playground by the lane. The Council expressed that the children should be supervised at all times by a responsible adult. On this basis, it was AGREED that access could be granted.
- Reports from County and Borough Councillors
Cllr James as our Stafford Borough Councillor reported that the Mayor Making took place on 12 May
and Philip Leason, MBE, JP, from Stone is now the new Mayor.
The Local Plan should be out for consultation late summer/early autumn which will include
plans for Meece Brook -‘ the garden village’.
Parish Council Meeting
- Apologies for absence – as above.
- Declarations of interest, to consider written requests from Councillors to grant dispensation (under S33, Localism Act, 2011). None were received.
- To approve the Minutes of the last Meeting on 24 March 2022 – APPROVED and signed by the Chairman.
- Matters arising from the Minutes
There were no matters arising from the last Minutes.
- Clerk’s Progress Report, items not on the Agenda – See Action Sheet update.
- Financial Matters
6.1 May 2022 expenditure for approval – duly APPROVED and signed.
The Clerk reported that Eddy Challinor has quoted £350 to repair the bus shelters in Swynnerton which will be done late June. His quotation was ACCEPTED.
6.2. Banking Matters – It was AGREED that the new Clerk should open the new account with the Cooperative Bank rather than the outgoing Clerk to prevent any confusion. Action: Clerk
6.3 It was AGREED that Alan Toplis Associates Ltd should be appointed out internal Auditors for 2022/2023. Action: Clerk
6.4 Copies of the 2021/2022 Annual Governance and Accounting Return (AGAR) were distributed and it was AGREED that the Chairman and Clerk should sign the documents.
6.5 The Clerk reported that BHIB informed her that there had been ‘an administrative error’ and the premium was duly reduced back to £796.43. This is the final year of our insurance agreement and it will need to be re-negotiated next spring. Action: Clerk to note
- Ward Matters raised by residents
7.1. Tittensor – Access to play area at the rear of Tittensor Village Hall. Please see Public Question Time.
7.2 Cllr Amison confirmed that the Jubilee Beacon in Swynnerton will be on private land and the audience across the road on the cricket pitch. Risk assessment will follow.
Clerk to contact Cllr Love as a matter of urgency for a risk assessment for Tittensor’s beacon lighting. Action : Clerk
7.3 Eddy Challinor has quoted £50 to repaint the Toposcope bench which the Clerk has added to his previous quote.
- Website
The new website is now fully functioning and has passed the statutory requirements for the AGAR.
Cllr Amison reported an error in downloading material. The Clerk would contact the Digital Team to
- Neighbourhood Plan
This is now completed and updated and is with Alex Yendole at Stafford Borough Council for scrutiny
and hopefully will soon be out for consultation.
- New Clerk – details of formal agreement with Mrs Lucy Davies
Following on from the informal Meeting between Mrs Davies and the Council, it was AGREED that
Mrs. Davies should be offered the post of Clerk to Swynnerton Parish Council.
- Correspondence etc. received by Clerk
General press releases and circulars received have been circulated to Councillors via email. Events
notices will go on the website, Facebook and the noticeboards as per usual.
- The next meeting will be held at 7.15pm on Thursday 23 June 2022 in Hanchurch Village Hall.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed this Meeting.