2024 March
Swynnerton Parish Council will hold a Parish Council meeting on Thursday 21 March, 7.15pm at Swynnerton Village Hall
Thursday 21th March 2024
I hereby give notice that a Meeting of the Swynnerton Parish Council will take place on THURSDAY 21 March 2024 at Swynnerton Village Hall at 7.15pm. Members are asked to inform the Clerk if they are unable to attend.
Lucy Davies
Parish Clerk
Tel: 07811 375623 Date of notice: 15 March 2024
- Welcome, and introduction by the Chairman
- Consider matters raised by members of the public
- Receive reports from Staffordshire County Councillor and Stafford Borough Councillors
- Close of Public Question Time
- Apologies for absence received – acceptance and recording of apologies
- Record declarations of interest from Councillors, to consider written requests from Councillors for the Council to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011)
- Approval of the minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on Thursday 25th January 2024
- Discuss matters arising from the minutes not covered later in the Agenda
- Review the planning committee observations
- Receive the Clerk’s report – correspondence received and progress report on matters not on the agenda
- Financial matters
- Review and approval of payments
- Receive and approve financial statements and bank reconciliation to 29 February 2024
- To agree earmarked reserves for 31 March 2024
- To discuss installation of football posts on the play area in Swynnerton.
- To discuss installation of the three speed indication devices including quote for installation.
- To consider installation of bus shelter perches in other bus shelters along the A34
- Discuss installation of village gateways on Winghouse Lane, Tittensor.
- Consider request for grant from Tittensor Road Safety Partnership and receive an update from the group
- The next Swynnerton Parish Council Meeting will be on Thursday 25th April 2024, 7.15pm at Tittensor Village Hall
Held on Thursday, 21 March 2024 at Swynnerton Village Hall
Councillors in attendance: Cllr Roy James (Chairman)
Cllr T Love, Cllr D Bishop, Cllr P Cheadle, Cllr P Marsh
Cllr N Adams,
Stafford Borough Council: Cllr Roy James
Stafford County Council: None
In attendance: L Davies (Parish Clerk)
Public Question Time
- The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
- To consider matters raised by members of the public
- A resident from Tittensor thanked the PC for the installation of the bus shelter perches. He noted that the facia boarding on the inside of the bus shelter at the bottom of Winghouse Lane needed repairing.
- A member of the Community Speed Watch Group, confirmed that the permanent speed watch signs had been installed and enquired whether the PC wished to retain the portable speed watch signs. Clerk to see whether another PC would have use for the signs.
- A resident enquired whether the Parish Council would be sweeping of pavements in Tittensor – there is a build up debris in this area. Cllr James to request pavement sweeping from the Borough Council. Clerk will obtain costs for 3rd party sweeping.
- Swynnerton Village are holding an Easter Egg hunt for children in the village. It was requested whether a small donation for eggs could be provided for prizes. It was AGREED to provide a small donation of £25, to be approved at April meeting.
- Swynnerton and Tittensor are also intending to hold a D-Day beacon lighting event. Clerk to notify relevant Cllrs if funding becomes available.
- Reports from County and Borough Councillors
- Cllr James noted that the Borough Council had presented their budget on 30 January. Council tax raised by 2.99%.
- The official opening of Westbridge Park play area will take place on Saturday 20 April.
Parish Council Meeting
- Apologies for absence received
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr J Deaville and Cllr E Mateu.
- Declarations of interest, to consider written requests from Councillors to grant dispensation (under S33, Localism Act, 2011).
Cllr Marsh declared an interest in agenda item 2.
- Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 25th January 2024
The Minutes were considered, APPROVED and signed by the Chairman.
- Discuss matters arising from the Minutes not covered in the Agenda
- Review of the planning committee observations
The planning applications received and decided since the last meeting were reviewed by the meeting.
- Receive the Clerk’s report – correspondence received and progress report on matters not on the agenda
- Following the reinstatement of the swing at Ferndown Play Area, the Borough Council has confirmed that the lease has ended and the play area has reverted back to the Borough Council.
- It was noted that Cllr Adams had been removed as trustee from the The Lady Catherine and Sir Richard Leveson Charity. Confirmation has not been received that Swynnerton Parish Council has been removed as a nominated trustee.
- Financial Matters
- The payments for February and March were presented for approval, duly APPROVED and signed.
- The financial statements and bank reconciliation to 29 February 2024 were considered and signed.
- The Clerk provided a draft schedule of earmarked reserves. It was AGREED that earmarked reserves should be £20,000 for installing a new green area in Tittensor and £2,210 for the repointing of the cenotaph. Note: is was later AGREED to add the cost of the bus shelter perches (£1,075) agreed at agenda item 10 to earmarked reserves. Clerk to action
- To discuss installation of football posts on the play area in Swynnerton
- The area in question is owned by the Borough Council and therefore permission would need to be sought to install posts.
- It was noted there were still foundations from buildings in this area under the grass and this may affect the position of posts.
- It was also highlighted that there is a marshy/pond area in the corner of the field. There is currently no signage or fencing but if the area was to be used as a football area then fencing / signage may be required.
- It was AGREED to approach the Borough Council on this matter. Clerk to action
- To discuss the installation of three speed indication devices including quote for installation
- The County Council have installed the posts for the SIDs. As the extension of the 30mph area has not been undertaken, the Tittensor SID will initially need to be set at 40mph.
- It was AGREED to accept the quote from the authorised contractor of £1,000 for installation.
- It was highlighted that given that the devices had been in storage for 2 years, the batteries would need to be checked to see whether they needed replacing. Clerk to ascertain costs for replacements. Cllr Love agreed to move the SIDs to the village halls so that batteries can be tested.
- To consider installation of bus shelter perches in other bus shelters along the A34
- There has been positive feedback from residents following the installation of perches in 2 bus shelters in Tittensor.
- The meeting was asked to consider installing similar perches in the remaining three further bus shelters. A quote for the three shelters being £1,075.
- It was AGREED that perches should be fitted and the quote was APPROVED. Clerk to action
- Discuss installation of village gateways on Winghouse Lane, Tittensor
- Cllr Marsh requested whether village gateways could be installed on Winghouse Lane, in the Groundslow area, to assist with slowing traffic down as it enters the village.
- It was noted that the cost of purchasing similar gateways to those in Swynnerton would be circa £3,000 plus installation and licence costs. Initially, permission would need to be sought from the Highways department.
- It was agreed to approach Highways on this matter. Clerk to action
- Consider request for grant from Tittensor Road Safety Partnership and receive an update from the group
- Cllr Marsh provided information on the work of the TRSP. The group requested costs towards hall hire for their meetings.
- It was AGREED to provide a donation of £36, to cover the costs of 2 meetings. The group was encouraged to investigate fundraising to cover ongoing costs.
- The next meeting will be on Thursday 25 April 2024, 7.15pm at Tittensor Village Hall.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed this Meeting.
Gross amount | VAT | ||
Reids Playground Maintenance Ltd | Ferndown play area repairs | £1,179.00 | £195.00 |
Mr M J Bloor | Community speed watch signs installation | £300.00 | £0.00 |
Eddy’s Building Services | 2 x bus shelter perches | £605.00 | £0.00 |
HMRC | PAYE February | £43.60 | £0.00 |
L Davies | February salary | £561.77 | £0.00 |
Staffordshire County Council | Website hosting and domain | £135.95 | £0.00 |
L Davies | Expenses – incl road salt | £316.62 | £49.77 |
HMRC | PAYE March | £43.60 | £0.00 |
L Davies | March salary | £561.77 | £0.00 |
£3,747.31 | £244.77 |