2022 September
Due to the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the next Parish Council Meeting has been rescheduled and will now take place on Thursday 29th September 2022.
Thursday 29th September 2022
I hereby give notice that a Meeting of the Swynnerton Parish Council will take place on THURSDAY 29th SEPTEMBER 2022 at Swynnerton Village Hall at 7.15pm. Members are asked to inform the Clerk if they are unable to attend.
Lucy Davies
Parish Clerk
Tel: 07811 362375 Date of notice: 23rd September 2022
- A minutes silence for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
- Welcome, and introduction by the Chairman
- Consider matters raised by members of the public
- Receive reports from Staffordshire County Councillor and Stafford Borough Councillors
- Close of Public Question Time
- Apologies for absence received – acceptance and recording of apologies
- Record declarations of interest from Councillors, to consider written requests from Councillors for the Council to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011)
- Approval of the minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on Thursday 11th August 2022
- Discuss matters arising from the minutes not covered later in the Agenda
- Review the planning committee observations
- Receive the Clerk’s report – correspondence received and progress report on matters not on the agenda
- Financial matters
- Approve annual payments to village halls
- Review and approval of payments
- Receive and approve financial statement and bank reconciliation to 31 August 2022
- Receive the Completion of the Audit for the year ending 31 March 2022
- Update on the installation of Speed Indication Devices for Swynnerton and Tittensor
- Update on Meecebrook Garden Community
- HS2 – discuss the safer roads fund and receive an update on early environmental works from Belfour Beatty
- Receive quotes for:
- Installation of noticeboards
- Cleaning of war memorials
- Discuss Ferndown Drive South play area – correspondence received and lease ending in October 2022
- Approve number of remembrance wreaths required
- Ward Matters, to discuss the:
- Traffic on Early Lane, Swynnerton
- Community Speed Watch, Swynnerton
- The date of the next Swynnerton Parish Meeting will be on Thursday 27th October 2022, 7.15pm at Tittensor Village Hall. 29092022 SPC Agenda
Authorised payments and bank reconciliation are accessible from the link below. Please contact the Clerk if you require a format other than pdf.
September 2022 Financial Statements
Draft minutes are set out below or downloaded from the following link:
29092022 Swynnerton Parish Council Minutes
Held on Thursday, 29 September 2022 in Swynnerton Village Hall
Councillors in attendance: Cllr Roy James (Chairman)
Cllr Stefan Amison, Cllr Peter Bickerstaffe, Cllr Dee Bishop, Cllr Enrique Mateu, Cllr Joanne Malkin, Cllr Nicola Adams, Cllr Brian Price, Cllr Terry Love
Stafford Borough Council: Cllr Roy James
Stafford County Council: None
In attendance: L Davies (Parish Clerk), Mr A Maddock (Balfour Beatty)
Public Question Time
- A minute’s silence was held in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
- The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
- To consider matters raised by members of the public.
No residents were present at the meeting.
- Reports from County and Borough Councillors
Borough matters covered within agenda items.
Parish Council Meeting
- Apologies for absence received
No apologies for absence were received.
- Declarations of interest, to consider written requests from Councillors to grant dispensation (under S33, Localism Act, 2011).
No declarations of interest were received.
- Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 11 August 2022.
The Minutes were considered, APPROVED and signed by the Chairman.
- Discuss matters arising from the Minutes not covered in the Agenda
There were no matters arising from the last Minutes.
- Review of the planning committee observations
The planning applications received since the last meeting were reviewed and the observations of the planning committee were noted.
- Receive the Clerk’s report – correspondence received and progress report on matters not on the agenda
- The Clerk’s report was received and matters duly noted.
- The Clerk reported that the interim internal audit had been undertaken. Internal auditor has recommended that dedicated emails should be introduced for the Parish Council. Clerk to consider options and costs and report back to the Members.
- Correspondence has been received from a local sports club regarding availability of grants. It was confirmed that the Parish Council was not currently providing grants to local sports clubs.
- Financial Matters
- An annual payment of £500 to each of the village halls -Swynnerton, Hanchurch and Tittensor – was APPROVED.
- The payments for August and September 2022 were presented for approval, duly APPROVED and signed.
- The financial statements and bank reconciliation to 31 August 2022 were considered and the bank reconciliation signed.
- It was AGREED to close the NS&I savings account and move the balance into the Unity Trust current account.
- Update on the installation of Speed Indication Devices for Swynnerton and Tittensor
- The Clerk confirmed that the section 50 licence has been approved for Tittensor.
- Cllr S Amison agreed to remove the old SID and speed sign in Swynnerton. Clerk to explore whether the old unit could be sold.
- Update on Meecebrook new garden settlement
- The Chairman provided an update on the publicly available information relating to Meecebrook. This information can be found on the Stafford Borough Council website but is also linked from the Parish Council website.
- The Local Plan – Preferred Options, containing the proposals for Meecebrook, is going to Cabinet for approval on 6 October.
- HS2 – discuss the Safer Roads fund and receive an update on the early environmental works from Belfour Beatty
- Mr A Maddock, site agent responsible for Stakeholder Management at Balfour Beatty delivered a presentation on early environment works in the Parish (to be made available on Parish Council website). Concerns over large vehicle movements in Swynnerton were raised.
- Potential schemes for the Safer Roads fund were discussed. 4 areas were identified: cycle and footpath on the new road in Swynnerton, pelican crossing outside Tittensor Primary School, traffic lights at A34 junction with Tittensor, extension of footpath 49 in Tittensor). Cllr Amison and Clerk to progress.
- Receive quotes for the installation of notice boards and cleaning of war memorials
- The quote for installation of notice boards was discussed. It was considered that the old notice boards should be dug out rather than cut at ground level. Quote to be accepted with these changes. Clerk to action
- A further quote for cleaning the war memorials was considered and APPROVED. Pointing of the war memorial in Swynnerton was also discussed. It was agreed to get a quote for this work. Clerk to action
- Discuss Ferndown Drive South play area
- The Parish Council’s lease for Ferndown South play area expires in October 2022 and will not be renewed.
- Correspondence from residents regarding Ferndown was discussed. Clerk to report what costs had been incurred since July 2020 when funds were received from Friends of Ferndown.
- Approve number of remembrance wreaths required
The parish Council APPROVED the purchase of 2 wreaths from the British legion plus a donation of £20 in excess of the costs of the wreaths. Clerk to action
- Ward matters to discuss the:
- Traffic on Early Lane, Swynnerton. Residents have reported speeding vehicles on Early Lane and whether it was agreed that the bottom entrance to the carpark was to be blocked when the pub was refurbished. It was noted that as the lane was a private road and that details of the planning application were not known but could be accessed from the planning portal.
- Community Speed Watch, Swynnerton. Cllr E Matue provided an update on the Community Speed Watch group in Swynnerton stating that additional volunteers are required. New volunteers will need training once they have adequate people.
- Confirm the date of the next Parish Council Meeting
The next meeting will be held at 7.15pm on Thursday 27 October 2022 in Tittensor Village Hall.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed this Meeting.