2023 November
A meeting of Swynnerton Parish Council will be held on 23rd November 2023, 7.15pm at Hanchurch Village Hall.
Thursday 23rd November 2023
I hereby give notice that a Meeting of the Swynnerton Parish Council will take place on THURSDAY 23rd November 2023 at Hanchurch Village Hall at 7.15pm. Members are asked to inform the Clerk if they are unable to attend.
Lucy Davies
Parish Clerk
Tel: 07811 375623 Date of notice: 17 November 2023
- Welcome, and introduction by the Chairman
- Consider matters raised by members of the public
- Receive reports from Staffordshire County Councillor and Stafford Borough Councillors
- Close of Public Question Time
- Apologies for absence received – acceptance and recording of apologies
- Record declarations of interest from Councillors, to consider written requests from Councillors for the Council to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011)
- Approval of the minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on Thursday 26th October 2023
- Discuss matters arising from the minutes not covered later in the Agenda
- Review the planning committee observations
- Receive the Clerk’s report – correspondence received and progress report on matters not on the agenda
- Financial matters
- Review and approval of payments
- Receive and approve financial statements and bank reconciliation to 31st October 2023
- Approve the 2023/24 local services pay agreement for Clerk’s remuneration
- Discuss finalisation 2024/25 budget
- Note that half year internal audit has been undertaken
- Receive quote for cenotaph renovations
- Discuss replacement of old salt containers in Swynnerton
- Discuss installation of community speed watch signs
- Receive quote for quiet lanes initiative and consider use of signs within Parish
- Discuss flooding on Winghouse Lane
- Discuss request for installing perches within bus shelters on the A34
- Discuss beacon lighting event for the commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of D-day, 24th June 2024.
- The next Swynnerton Parish Council Meeting will be on Thursday 25th January 2024, 7.15pm at Hanchurch Village Hall
The November Financial Statements (authorised payments and bank reconciliation) can be viewed by clicking the following link. Authorised Payments are noted after the minutes:
November 2023 Financial Statements and Payments
Please contact the Parish Clerk should you require a format other than pdf
Held on Thursday, 23 November 2023 at Hanchurch Village Hall
Councillors in attendance: Cllr Roy James (Chairman)
Cllr Pat Cheadle, Cllr Enrique Mateu, Cllr John Deaville,
Cllr Denise Bishop, Cllr N James, Cllr P Marsh
Stafford Borough Council: Cllr Roy James
Stafford County Council: None
In attendance: L Davies (Parish Clerk)
Public Question Time
- The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
- To consider matters raised by members of the public
- Residents of Swynnerton had raised that some drain covers are sinking and are causing a trip hazard. Clerk to report to SCC.
- Residents of Swynnerton also raised that illegal parking on the yellow lines is increasing. Clerk to report to PSCO.
- Reports from County and Borough Councillors
- No further matters were reported.
Parish Council Meeting
- Apologies for absence received
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr T Love.
- Declarations of interest, to consider written requests from Councillors to grant dispensation (under S33, Localism Act, 2011).
No declarations of interest were received.
- Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 26 October 2023
The Minutes were considered, APPROVED and signed by the Chairman.
- Discuss matters arising from the Minutes not covered in the Agenda
- Review of the planning committee observations
- The planning applications received and decided since the last meeting were reviewed by the meeting.
- Planning application 23/37752/FUL was discussed and comments from residents considered. The meeting concluded that the application for a café and local shop was considered to be a positive development for the village that currently has limited local amenities.
- Receive the Clerk’s report – correspondence received and progress report on matters not on the agenda
- It was AGREED to hire the gully cleaner for 1 day for Tittensor and Swynnerton in December. Clerk to action
- The headmistress of the First School has stated that she would be happy to discuss any initiatives for reducing congestion but is unable to make evening meetings. It was suggested that the Tittensor Road Safety Partnership could investigate what schemes may be the most suitable for the school.
- Financial Matters
- The payments for November were presented for approval, duly APPROVED and signed.
- The financial statements and bank reconciliation to 31 October 2023 were considered and signed.
- The meeting noted that the local government pay agreement had been reached for the current year (2023). It was AGREED to implement the pay increase to the clerk’s salary effective (and back dated) from 1 April 2023.
- The draft budget was considered and discussed. It was agreed to include a £10,000 for projects in 2024/25. Precept to be set at the January meeting.
- It was noted that the half year internal audit had been undertaken on 6 November.
- Receive quote for cenotaph renovations.
The quote from Midland Masonry was discussed. It was AGREED to proceed with repointing and masonry repairs (£1,590 excl VAT) and lettering repairs (£620 excl VAT). Clerk to action
- Discuss replacement of old salt containers in Swynnerton
- Highways have been contacted regarding removal of the old salt containers in Swynnerton which are in a poor state of repair.
- Highways have stated that they will look to remove the containers if the Parish Council can replace them with standard salt bins. It was AGREED that the Parish Council would fund new salt bins should Highways remove the containers. Any actions would not be considered until the Spring. Clerk to action
- Discuss installation of community speed watch signs
The contractor that provided a quote for installing the signs is currently unable to undertake the work as the business needs to become reaccredited in the New Year. It has not been possible to find an alternative accredited contractor to date. It was therefore AGREED to wait until the contractor can undertake the work, although, this can be reconsidered if an alternative contractor can be found.
- Discuss installation of quiet lanes initiative and consider use of signs within the village
- A quote for quiet lanes/home zone signs was received by the meeting.
- The meeting discussed where the signs would be located and how/who would be able to install. Clerk to contact highways to determine planning/permissions required. Clerk to action
- Discuss flooding on Winghouse Lane
The gullies on Winghouse Lane (opposite Beechdale Lane) remain blocked. This has been reported. The gullies will be cleared when the Parish Council instructs gully clearing in December.
- Discuss request for installing perches within bus shelters on the A34
- As buses run infrequently on the A34, residents have requested whether perches can be retrofitted to the brick bus shelters on the A34 (at the junction of Winghouse Lane).
- It was AGREED that the practicalities and costs for installing perches should be investigated. Clerk to action
- Discuss beacon lighting event for the commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, June 2024
- The government has agreed that Beacons should be lit on 6th June 2024, as the principal leading community event, in the tribute to D-Day 80, the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy.
- Holding a beacon lighting event in Swynnerton and Tittensor was discussed. Concern was raised as to where an event in Tittensor could be held. Parish Councillors to gauge public support for holding such an event. Cllrs to action
- The next meeting will be on Thursday 25th January 2024, 7.15pm at Hanchurch Village Hall.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed this Meeting.
Payments for approval: | |||
Gross (inc VAT) | VAT | ||
Stafford Borough Council | Election costs | £293.00 | £0.00 |
Eddy’s Building Services | Tittensor play area repairs | £85.00 | £0.00 |
John Green Landscapes | Safety matting installation – Tittensor play area (£680) and edging up of footpaths around Tittensor (£1,420) | £2,520.00 | £420.00 |
Staffordshire County Council | Repay – Invoice paid in error * | £462.00 | £0.00 |
Lucy Davies | Expenses | £15.75 | £0.00 |
Lucy Davies | November Salary | £527.24 | £0.00 |
HMRC | November PAYE | £34.80 | £0.00 |
TOTAL | £3,937.79 | £420.00 | |
* SCC paid contribution towards grass cutting twice (against an old order number and also the new order number) | |||
N.B. Pre-authorisation request: Clerk’s salary for December and PAYE will need to be paid at the beginning of January. | |||